Recipes to Make Tempe Penyet Grill
Recipes to Make Tempe Penyet Grill - cuisine is like a work of art because there is the difficulty level role in how to make it. At this time a good opportunity ResepOnline.Info want to convey Info Recipes for you who are looking for additional reference. Maybe Recipes How to Make Fuel Penyet Tempe is suitable for disajiakan to your friends or relatives practiced for home
Recipe ingredients make this dish was not too troublesome and complicated. You can get it easily. If these dishes have made sure the result yahut and deliciousServe grilled tempeh penyet with a plate of warm white rice.
Ingredients / spices:
- 6 pieces tempeh triangles, baked until fragrant
- 2 sprigs of basil, dipetiki for sprinkling
Material Sambal:
- 3 cloves garlic, fried
- 5 red onions, fried
- 12 pieces of red pepper curls, fried
- 2 pieces of red chili sauce, fried
- 1 red tomatoes, cut in two parts, fried
- 2 eggs hazelnut, fried
- 1/2 tablespoon shrimp paste, fried
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon brown sugar
Processing Method:
- Grind the garlic, onion, red chili curly, red chili sauce, pecans, shrimp paste, salt and brown sugar until smooth. ADD tomatoes. Ulek average.
- Place the tempeh over sauce. Press tempeh until slightly bruised.
- Serve along with a sprinkling of basil leaves tempeh.
- Serves 6